

Do you have SoRgen at school,

  • because you experience discrimination yourself?
  • because you are a witness to discrimination?

Do you have questions about discrimination?

Discrimination means that people are treated worse than others.

Here you can find contacts in your area and in Thuringia to get help with discrimination.

Select your topic of consultation!

This overview of contact possibilities is a project of Schule ohne Rassismus – Schule mit Courage (School without Racism – School with Courage).

  • Consultation topics

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    Racial discrimination

    Racism means that in our society, for example, people of colour are often disadvantaged.
    People of colour include all people who are not white.
    Racism has its origins in the ideology of colonialism.

    Discrimination on the basis of origin leads to certain characteristics being attributed to people on the basis of their (ascribed) origin/​culture.

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    Discrimination based on religion and ideology

    Some people are treated worse, because they have a certain religion
    or worldview.

    These include, for example, people who celebrate Jewish or Muslim festivals.

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    Discrimination based on social status

    Discrimination based on social status leads to discrimination against, for example, people with little money or people from a family home without a university degree or people without housing.

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    Discrimination based on Gender and Gender identity

    Many people live the gender identity that was named at birth.

    For some people, however, this is not true.

    For example, at birth it is said: This person is a girl.
    But that is not true. Because this person later knows: I am a man.
    Then this person is trans or a trans man.

    For example, at birth it is said: This person is a girl.
    But that is not true. Because this person knows later: I am not a woman and I am not a man. This person is non-binary.

    In other persons, the genitals are biologically ambiguous. This person is inter.

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    Bullying means that someone is repeatedly badly treated badly by another person or a group.

    Sometimes something is made up about them and posted on the internet.

    Sometimes something is made up about them and posted on the internet.

    For example, people bully in order to rise above them and look better in comparison.

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    Discrimination based on a disability

    Some people believe that life with a disability is less worth living.
    People with disabilities are often treated bad.

    For example, people use »«disabled«« as a swear word.
    But also access to buildings and learning is not the same for everyone.

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    Discrimination based on sexual orientation and identity

    »People are discriminated against if they are not heterosexual (man and woman love each other). There are different forms of sexual orientation.
    Homosexuality can mean, for example: a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman.
    Bisexuality is: A person can love persons of at least two genders.
    Asexuality is: A person is not sexually attracted to others.